Friday, October 23, 2009





IF my child, 9 year old she devil that she is, decides to say WHATEVER to me ONE MORE TIME...

I will sell her to the gypsies!


Snot Head (a.k.a Kylie) said...

She is reaching that age early...Too bad, too. There aren't any openings in the gypsies. I asked them. ahahaha

Melinda said...

Wait til she discovers the 'whatever' eyeroll and the well placed curse word. Brings out the chicken head, hand on hip, finger in the air outta me every time...

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Have you tried the flowing soap?? It cured the "whatever" in our house!!

Such is life! said...

oh that word...that word brings up mean scary feeling in me...i am sick and tired of that word...

Wendi said...

That was just voted the most annoying expression in the English language. You're not alone.

WGCY Newsroom said...

You know my mom and dad traded gypsies two chickens for my brother Andy....