Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Do YOU Do?

First off, let me start by defending my parenting skills, because what I am about to tell you will be appalling, at best! I do not normally do anything of the sort, but in this instance, I had to make the best of the situation, so I did!

So, I put my almost 2 year old Meeeeema into the high chair, so I can get breakfast for her, Boog and myself. And, when I got her all settled in, I asked her what she wanted to eat. She reached her meaty little finger out and said, "tips," to which I replied, "CHIPS?" She said, "yep!" I said, "Not in the morning, not for breakfast?" She immediately decided that I had it all wrong and said, again, "tips!" I said, "You know what, chips it is!" So, I sat down next to her and we had chips! After we had chips, she consented to eating a bowl of cereal and I had a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter on it!

Boog hadn't even stopped petting the dog yet, so she did not know what was going on, or she would want chips again tomorrow, but that is probably a whole other problem!


Christina said...

I pick and choose my battles. If she wants chips, who cares! Its not like you give them to her every day for breakfast. :)

Brenda said...

Sometimes a mama's got to do what a mama's got to do. Ruby will usually ask for ice cream and usually gets it.

Mrs4444 said...

Everyone should eat chips for breakfast at least once :) Super cute.

Deb Robertson Writes said...

I used to let my kids have 2 minute noodles all the time for breakfast. Who cares? We still good mums :)

Melinda said...

Sometimes you just gotta eat chips! lol Some of the things that I did when my kids were little *shudder*

Snot Head (a.k.a Kylie) said...

Of course you had chips for breakfast! lol You really are a nut, but if the morning was a little smoother for it, then why not?